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Usage Notes

(stuff that will eventually go into a To Do list or elsewhere)

Because of certain considerations, Vision does not follow the Cocoa convention of reference counting in most situations and thus you should expect that most of the objects that you deal with will always have a reference count of 1.  When releasing Construct objects, almost all other objects having anything to do with it as well as all of it's child Constructs will also be released. 

Because Vision's input abstraction model is very flexible and is made to be able to interface with multiple input devices (like multiple mice for instance) and multiple input abstractions (multiple cursors for example) it gets its input events directly from the devices and for the most part is operating system event agnostic.  Thus mouse clicks and movements will still be delivered to the Vision server even if its window is not behind other windows or is not even visible at all.  There are future plans to make it so that when Vision is running alongside another operating system window server as it is currently implemented, it will do better at behaving nice event-wise.

The template projects and targets that Vision supplies for XCode have settings that suppress errors for undefined symbols.  This is because dynamic libraries of type "bundle" cannot dynamically link currently and thus their undefined symbol resolution can not be fulfilled.  Code dependencies are taken care of by LoadObject() and UnLoadObject() calls in constructor/destructor functions of server modules.  Thus you will need to make sure that all of the symbols that you need to link to will be resolvable at runtime through those mechanisms because the linker will no longer do it for you (until a solution is found).

There is currently a bug in the Objective-C runtime used in Darwin/OS X (objc4-267) which will cause a crash in certain situations of module re-loading.  Apple is aware of the problem but as of 10.4.5 it has not yet been addressed.  For those who wish (do so at your own risk) you can compile your own version of the Objective-C runtime with one line changed which will fix the problem.

For objc4-267 Change line 1984 in the file objc-runtime.m from:
cls_refs_end = (struct objc_class **)(size + (uintptr_t)cls_refs); to:
cls_refs_end = (struct objc_class **)(size * sizeof(Class) + (uintptr_t)cls_refs);

Compatibility between module versions is an issue that has not yet been fully addressed and so thus in it's current implementation it is best to copy the modules that your application makes use of into the Resources directory of your app bundle.  By default the Vision Application library (libVision.dylib) looks there for modules at runtime anyway and this will allow you to make Applications that are completely standalone. 

Although Vision has been built as a universal binary it has never been tested on an x86 machine and in all likelihood will not run correctly in the state that it is in currently.  As soon as the right hardware can be obtained for testing it will probably not take very long to get it up and running though. 

Right now there is a mix of using both NSStrings and plain old C strings for various functions and capabilities.  Eventually using NSStrings for everything will probably become standard with a few exceptions. 

The core server operations were designed to be operated as a single thread and although in the Application Library paradigm you may make a program that spawns multiple threads you must remember to not invoke any code that is thread context sensitive (such as OpenGL code) from another thread and also be aware of potential synchronization problems.  For synchronization in the Application Library paradigm there is a NSRecursiveLock supplied called ThreadLock that locks the main server/program thread down during any time that Construct objects or most anything else having to do with Vision is accessed. 

Although there are future plans to track, manage and segregate OpenGL state, for right now everybody plays in the same sandbox. 

DRAWREAL and DRAWVIRTUAL enums tell the Construct object what mode to draw in.  DRAWREAL means that we are actually need to draw the full quality version of the object for purposes of displaying on the screen.  DRAWVIRTUAL tells the object that it only needs to draw a reduced quality version for purposes of creating similar OpenGL fragments for things like picking which are crucial to Abstraction interaction. 

Every once in a while you might see compiler defines that are meant to filter out scope from certain kinds of targets.  For the most part you will not have to worry about them except for server module authors who should filter out certain parts of their interfaces in the header files for projects built with the window server paradigm.  Some of these you will probably never see in use, but are included here for completeness. 

VISIONMODULE - Anything that should have access to modules.  Pretty much everything except for client apps built under the window server paradigm.
VISIONAPP - To be used only for compiled Vision applications.
VISIONSERVER - To be used only by the Vision server regardless of how it is packaged (application library or window server).
VISIONDAEMON - To be used only by the Vision window server.
VISIONLIBRARY - To be used only by Vision when packaged as a library.

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